Digital Culture & Digital Fluency at CSM today
Come and ask questions about any aspect of the digital, we are in the Street area right now 1pm – 5pm.
Come and ask questions about any aspect of the digital, we are in the Street area right now 1pm – 5pm.
Good Afternoon Shepherds Bush ,
Today we are at the Lime Grove Campus waiting to answer all of your questions anything digital!
Please come down to the entrance and challenge us with anything digital you would like to run fluently.
We have a strong team of digital influencer including Eleanor, Bing, Jennifer and Caroline.
P.S. We have SWEETS!
Could you tell me about the UAL app developments?
Jennifer Williams-Baffoe: Student use the UAL app a lot to navigate around the university. Personally, I don’t use it much but I get a lot of questions from students about it. However, the UAL app is working with my team to best see how we can improve the app for students. I’ve received lots of feedback from students about navigation, being locked out, no seamless sign on, and it generally being clunky in places. We will invite to a student symposium at CSM later in the summer. We can use the app for teaching, and we should explore that. I have ideas like developing a game like Pokemon Go to use as a learning tool.
The Digital Fluency Drop-In Sessions are designed for UAL staff and students to come along and ask any questions to improve their digital fluency and become more effective in using computers in their day-to-day working, teaching and learning.
On Wednesday, 31st May (1pm-3pm) we are welcoming the Technology Enhanced Learning Coordinators who will tell you everything you wanted to know about the digital but were too afraid to ask! Read the Digital Fluency blog for answers to previously asked questions and complete this simple form to submit any new questions you may.
If you can’t make it down to us then feel free to ask us anything digital via this link – nothing is too simple or complex for us! We love to help and love a challenge at the same time. From image files, PDFs, Moodle, email, myblogs (and other blogs), Office 365, Workflow – you name it – we will try to answer your questions.
We will post the answer to your questions on the Digital Fluency website.
The next Digital Fluency Event in Wimbledon will take place on Thursday 1 June in the canteen from 2pm – 4pm. This event is for both staff and students to raise their awareness on how they can use digital to work quicker and smarter.
If you can’t make it down to us then feel free to ask us anything digital via this link – nothing is too simple or complex for us! We love to help and love a challenge at the same time. From image files, PDFs, Moodle, email, myblogs (and other blogs), Office 365, Workflow – you name it – we will try to answer your questions.
We will post the answer to your questions on the Digital Fluency website.
The next Digital Fluency Event in Camberwell will take place on Thursday 1 June in the pop-up cafe from 10am – 12pm. This event is for both staff and students to raise their awareness on how they can use digital to work quicker and smarter.
If you can’t make it down to us then feel free to ask us anything digital via this link – nothing is too simple or complex for us! We love to help and love a challenge at the same time. From image files, PDFs, Moodle, email, myblogs (and other blogs), Office 365, Workflow – you name it – we will try to answer your questions.
We will post the answer to your questions on the Digital Fluency website.
The next Digital Fluency Event in Chelsea will take place on Tuesday 30 May 2017 near the canteen from 1pm – 3pm. This event is for both staff and students to raise their awareness on how they can use digital to work quicker and smarter.
If you can’t make it down to us then feel free to ask us anything digital via this link – nothing is too simple or complex for us! We love to help and love a challenge at the same time. From image files, PDFs, Moodle, email, myblogs (and other blogs), Office 365, Workflow – you name it – we will try to answer your questions.
We will post the answer to your questions on the Digital Fluency website.
UAL Technology Enhanced Learning Coordinators talking to students about digital technology at the LCC Digital Fluency event on May 11th 2017.
Good Morning LCC monsters,
Today we are cozying up at the amphi theatre in the canteen answering your questions on anything you would like to know about digital technology with Eleanor , Jennifer , Caroline and Bing!
I’m your co-host slash student ambassador Ali. Come along and chat with us!
Ask us anything!